Hi, I’m Sarah Tearle.

My obsession with colour began many years ago, when I tried on a soft cornflower blue bikini. I looked suddenly amazing (in the colour — the bikini, tragically, didn’t fit), but I didn’t know how to find other clothes that would make me look like that again.

Fast forward to 2012, when I was training to be a makeup artist.

You can use trial and error, and quite a lot of wasted money, to get some idea of what does and doesn’t work on your own face, but when you have a new model every day, you need a shortcut to predict what colours will work on each person.

Why does the same makeup cause one person to look like a goddess and the next like a clown; one to look vibrant and the next tired; one to look confident and the next to fade into the background?

My search led me to the True Colour (12-Tone) system of personal colour analysis and took me to Sydney to meet Amelia Butler at True Colour International for my own analysis.

I was an immediate convert when I saw the results in the mirror. I glowed when the colours of my season (Soft Autumn) were draped around me. (And that bikini? Yep, my colour).


I wanted everyone to have access to this personal transformation, so in 2013 I trained with Amelia and became a certified 12-Tone Colour Analyst. 

I believe that everyone is beautiful, in the same way that everything in nature is beautiful. Your natural colours provide the setting that allows your unique beauty to become visible. 

If you have any questions or curiosities, please feel free to contact me.




This is Hilary Tearle, my mum. 

She does a lot of the administrative work in the background of Elemental Colour, but I wanted to introduce her to you, because you’re likely to meet her in her role as resident barista at the Elemental Colour studio.

You may also run into her on the Elemental Colour Facebook page.

Her background is in architecture which may seem quite removed from personal colour analysis, but as she says, “the principles of 12-tone colour theory can equally be applied to buildings and interior design, making sense of our instinctive association of colours, textures and styles.”

She’s a smart cookie, and, incidentally, a Bright Winter.